
联系学术资源 & 服务

(909) 621-8921 or (电子邮件保护).


The mission of the Department of 学术资源 and Services (ARS) is to provide support and resources for 欧洲杯在线平台 students to positively impact and enhance their academic experience. ARS acknowledges that our campus community is comprised of varying needs and offers an assortment of programs and services to aid students toward academic success. 与欧洲杯在线平台学院的教员合作, 员工和联盟资源, (ARS)致力于为学生提供创造和实现学术目标所需的工具.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. 学术资源和服务(ARS)负责协调残疾学生的支持服务, 与学院其他部门合作,协助为学生提供住宿.


患有残疾的个人有权获得合理的便利. The Americans with Disabilities Act defines disability as “with respect to an individual: (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment.” 42 U.S.C. § 12102(2). 残疾包括, 但不限于, 学习差异或障碍, 身体和行动障碍, 感觉障碍, 心理障碍, 和/或慢性健康损害.

Note: Having received accommodations in high school through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan does not automatically make a student eligible for services in college. The student must register for services and provide supporting documentation for review; IEPs are not acceptable forms of documentation. 如果确定学生有资格获得住宿, 推荐的住宿可能与学生在高中时收到的不同.


If a student wishes to formalize disability support services the student must self-identify needs for accommodations in advance with 学术资源 and Services. 学生必须创建一个 目标概要文件 and upload current documentation to the profile which establishes that the student has a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (see 文档”以了解详情). 在创建AIM个人资料并上传适当的文件后,学生必须发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 安排接诊会议. 入学会议是与学术资源安排的约会 & 服务团队成员,学生可以讨论他们的住宿需求, and the ARS team member can work with the student in  identifying what accommodations would be most beneficial for the student as they begin their college career at Scripps. The student’s 目标概要文件 and documentation will be reviewed and the student will be notified if the documentation is acceptable and complete, 或者如果需要进一步的信息. 一旦获得资格, 经批准的住宿将以书面形式通知学生。.

虽然学生可以在学年开始后注册残疾支持服务并要求住宿, accommodations are not officially established until a student completes the process in its’ entirety; creating an 目标概要文件, 上传文档, 安排/参加招生会议. A student may request accommodations at any point in a semester; however accommodations cannot be applied retroactively.


Appropriate and reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis based on the current and anticipated impact of the student’s disability at Scripps. The accommodation request(s) and supporting documentation will be reviewed and reasonable accommodations will be identified and discussed with the student. 除非残疾状况的影响发生了变化, 或者除非学生希望讨论不同的住宿条件, 只要文件有效,这些住宿将继续有效. 如果提供的住宿不有效,学生有责任要求修改. 如果学生认为有必要但没有获得住宿, 学生可以要求学术资源和服务部门进行额外的审查.

如果学生认为自己因残疾而受到残疾歧视或骚扰, 学生可以根据学院的民权申诉程序提出索赔, 可以找到 在这里.  在任何此类程序中, 学院的第504节学生协调员将代替学院的第九条协调员管理申诉过程.



  • 延长考试时间
  • 监督考试
  • 减少干扰的测试环境
  • 能够在课堂和考试中休息
  • 作业延期
  • 辅助技术
  • 必要阅读材料的替代格式
  • 使用计算器

学院不提供个人性质的服务(如服务员), 照顾人的, 家庭作业辅导或家教), 打字服务或规定性辅助设备,如眼镜或助听器, 它也不提供残疾的诊断评估.

Unreasonable accommodations would include those that impose an undue economic or administrative burden on the College or would fundamentally alter the academic program or lower the standards of the College (e.g.、放弃基本课程要求、出勤等.).


In order to establish eligibility for accommodations the student must provide documentation which identifies that the condition substantially limits performance in one or more major life activities.

残疾学生是有关必要住宿的最佳信息来源. 在高等教育环境中,学生有责任要求残疾相关的住宿. 在大多数情况下, the College will not accept documentation that purports to state that a parent or family member is the student’s treating health care professional or an expert retained to assess the student’s disability.  In the event that a parent or family member is serving in such capacity consistent with the ethical guidelines of mental or medical health care professionals the documentation should state as such. Appropriate documentation must be provided by the treating health care professional on letterhead and should address the following guidelines:

  • 医疗保健专业人员的执照和经验
  • 对局限性的具体诊断
  • 诊断是如何达成的方法和程序的描述, 测试结果和测试结果的评价
  • A description of the specific changes that have occurred since the original report and recommendations were made that indicate a need to adjust accommodations as originally made
  • 有哪些重大的生命活动受到了损伤的限制
  • 残疾如何造成学业上的困难
  • 所有住宿的清单, 哪些可能需要促进学生参与学术课程


虽然自我认同是学生的责任,但也需要住宿, 鼓励教师在教学大纲中加入一份声明,告知学生残疾支持服务. 学术资源和服务部将向教师提供正式通知,告知学生已批准的住宿. 通知在每学期开始时通过电子邮件提供.

如果学生在其他欧洲杯买球正规平台注册了一门课程, 这封电子邮件也将被发送给该机构的教员.

通知住宿后, 鼓励学生与每个教师见面,讨论他们的住宿. The e-mail is meant to serve as a starting point in discussions between students and professors and will not identify the specific disability. 住宿不能追溯适用.


为学生创建一个残疾支持服务文件,并由学术资源和服务部门维护. 残疾支持服务文件, 包括文档, 被认为是机密信息,不会成为学生永久记录的一部分. Information contained in the 残疾支援服务 file is not normally shared with other campus offices or individuals without written consent unless such information is needed to implement the accommodation(s).


许多国家没有类似《欧洲杯买球正规平台》(ADA)的全面立法。. 这些国家可能没有认识到影响身体疾病患者的特殊需要, 心理, 或者学习障碍. 如果学生有残疾,可能会影响到国外的经历, 建议学生在出发前与校外学习人员讨论. 联系学术资源 and Services to have information from the 残疾支援服务 file released to the Office of Off-Campus Study to assist in the discussion.


  • 有关欧洲杯在线平台学院残疾支持服务的问题,请直接联系 (电子邮件保护)


  • 残疾导师网络- 5C同侪辅导小组
  • 低等

it残障, 机会, 网络互连, 中心致力于通过技术和教育为残障人士赋权

The 学生残疾资源中心 (SDRC) is the centralized resource center for support for students with disabilities at the 克莱尔蒙特学院. The SDRC works closely with the Disability 协调员s on all the campuses to ensure that students receive academic support services and accommodations to empower them to achieve their academic goals, 同时确保所有校园的所有项目和活动的公平待遇和机会.

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.
