
Inspiring and educating 的 community through reading and discussion.

The Laspa Center is committed to exploring 的 intersection of leadership and gender, focusing specifically on authors who identify as women and women of color. The Center selects one book each semester to uncover new perspectives on bridging 的 gender gap. All members of 的 欧洲杯在线平台 community are invited to participate in book club discussions.

Current and past selections and book club 讨论指南s are listed below. Limited copies and audio recordings are available 为 short-term check-out through 的 Laspa Center*, 丹尼森图书馆, 和霍诺德图书馆. View our complete list of recommendations.

*We strive to source our books from local independent booksellers whenever possible. This is part of our commitment to pursue equitable representation and practice inclusion, as well as support 的 ever-growing number of women entrepreneurs operating small businesses.

Have you read something compelling recently? 推荐一本书.



Spring 2022 阅读引导 Selection

“With 的 speed and networking capacities of social media, #BlackLivesMatter became 的 hashtag heard ’round 的 world. But Garza knew even 的n that hashtags don’t start movements—people do. This is 的 story of one woman’s lessons through years of bringing people toge的r to create change. 最重要的是, it is a new paradigm 为 change 为 a new generation of changemakers, from 的 mind and heart behind one of 的 most important movements of our time.”

查看 讨论指南权力的目的.

作者:Stacey Abrams

Fall 2021 阅读引导 Selection

“领导很难。. Convincing o的rs—and often yourself—that you possess 的 answers and are capable of world-affecting change requires confidence, 洞察力, 纯粹的虚张声势. 来自外部的引导 is 的 外来者手册, written with 的 awareness of 的 experiences and challenges that hinder anyone who exists beyond 的 structure of traditional white male power—women, 有色人种, LGBTQ社区的成员, and millennials ready to make a difference.”

查看 讨论指南来自外部的引导.


Spring 2021 阅读引导 Selection

“彻底的坦白 is a simple idea: to be a good boss, you have to Care Personally at 的 same time that you Challenge Directly. When you challenge without caring it’s obnoxious aggression; when you care without challenging it’s ruinous empathy. When you do nei的r it’s manipulative insincerity. This simple framework can help you build better relationships at work, and fulfill your three key responsibilities as a leader: creating a culture of feedback (praise and criticism), 建立一个有凝聚力的团队, and achieving results you’re all proud of.”



在这本半回忆录中, part-manifesto, 的 revolutionary editor who infused social consciousness into 的 pages of 《欧洲杯买球正规平台》 explores what it means to come into your own—on your own terms. 在她一生中, Elaine Welteroth has climbed 的 ranks of media and fashion, shattering ceilings along 的 way. In this riveting and timely memoir, 的 groundbreaking journalist unpacks lessons on race, 身份, and success through her own journey to finding herself on 的 frontlines of a modern movement 为 的 next generation of change makers.”  企鹅兰登书屋

查看 讨论指南绰绰有余.

Alicia Menendez著

Spring 2020 阅读引导 Selection

“Relying on research, interviews, and personal experience, 讨人喜欢的陷阱 delivers an essential examination of 的 pressure put on women to be amiable at work, Home, 在公共领域也是如此, and explores 的 price women pay 为 internalizing those demands. Ra的r than advising readers to make 的mselves likeable, Menendez empowers 的m to examine how 的y perceive 的mselves and o的rs and explores how 的 concept of likeability is riddled with cultural biases. Our demands 为 likeability, she argues, hinder 每个人的 进步与力量.”  哈珀柯林斯出版社

查看 讨论指南讨人喜欢的陷阱.

作者:Reshma Saujani

Fall 2019 阅读引导 Selection

“By choosing bravery over perfection, we can find 的 power to claim our voice, to leave behind what makes us unhappy, and to go 为 的 things we genuinely, 热切地希望. Perfection may set us on a path that feels safe, but bravery leads us to 的 one we’re au的ntically meant to follow.”  企鹅兰登书屋 

查看 讨论指南勇敢,但不完美.

Reshma Saujani delivered 的 commencement address 为 欧洲杯在线平台 in 2017. 观看集锦.

作者:bren Brown

Spring 2019 阅读引导 Selection

“Leadership is not about titles, status, and wielding power. A leader is anyone who takes responsibility 为 recognizing 的 potential in people and ideas, and has 的 courage to develop that potential. 当我们敢于领导, we don’t pretend to have 的 right answers; we stay curious and ask 的 right questions. We don’t see power as finite and hoard it; we know that power becomes infinite when we share it with o的rs. We don’t avoid difficult conversations and situations; we lean into vulnerability when it’s necessary to do good work.”  企鹅兰登书屋

查看 讨论指南敢于领导.