欧洲杯在线平台 Old Style

1941年,欧洲杯在线平台学院(欧洲杯在线平台)的一届学生赠送了一台配有专有字体的教学印刷机作为他们的班级礼物,这个故事至今已成为传奇. Late one night, close to graduation, several seniors were talking in Pat Morrison’s room and one said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a press at Scripps? Let’s do something about it!” Stimulated by this idea, when later lunching with a visiting Frederic Goudy, the group of seniors hung on his every word. 帕特·莫里森(加州作家的孙女,学院的朋友), Catherine Coffine Phillipes) excitedly suggested, “我不知道我的祖母是否会出钱买一种特殊的欧洲杯在线平台字体?” Made bold by a quick, affirmative phone call, the seniors asked Goudy on the spot to design a typeface for the college.

欧洲杯在线平台 Old Style by Frederic W. Goudy这个关于学生热情的感人而鼓舞人心的故事引发了这样一个问题:这些大四学生是如何开始欣赏书籍和精美印刷的. 知识渊博的怀疑论者可能会进一步问,即使是弗雷德里克·古迪(Frederic Goudy)也能在几个月的时间里创造出一种新的字体. These traditional accounts of the beginning of the 欧洲杯在线平台 Press are certainly not fabrications; however, there is definitely more to the story. 令人高兴的是,我们怀疑论者的问题的答案是如此丰富多彩和令人印象深刻的传说.

In their decision to establish a Press for 欧洲杯在线平台, 1941届毕业生考虑了他们与图书馆的密切关系. “First, 有这样一个图书馆——安静的友好感和与人深厚友谊的感觉. 这里有古腾堡的窗户,阅览室里的窗户上有印刷商的标记. There are books of beauty laid on the desk by Miss Drake, 还有宝库,教授们会把重要作家的珍贵书籍带到课堂上.” (Barbara Chapine, at the dedication of the class gift.)

欧洲杯在线平台 Old Style by Frederic W. Goudy这所学院以其美丽的外表和正直的精神而闻名, and to its library, an exquisite gem of architecture, that Dorothy Drake ventured in February of 1938. 作为图书管理员,她丰富了几代欧洲杯在线平台学生的欧洲杯买球正规平台,直到1970年. One of her most important goals was to awaken students to books, primarily to the ideas in them, but also to their component features—to design, binding, typefaces, paper—to help develop “discrimination and good taste.”

Donors had been kind to the library prior to 1938. Among them was Julius Wagenheim of San Diego, an early trustee, who had established the original, 图书馆里有大量的参考资料,这使它的第一个宝库成为可能. 另一位捐赠者是旧金山伟大的藏书家,也是印刷商阿尔伯特·本德的赞助人, 他在20世纪30年代送给欧洲杯在线平台的礼物包括大约75卷旧金山的精美印刷,这些印刷跨越了20年代的辉煌岁月 & 30’s. 艾伦·布朗宁·欧洲杯在线平台把她收藏的精美书籍遗赠给了学院. 通过所有这些珍宝以及收藏家和鉴赏家的校园讲座,学生们接触到了精美书籍和簿记的概念.

欧洲杯在线平台 Old Style by Frederic W. GoudyScarcely settled, Dorothy Drake realized that to really teach students about books, to instill an enthusiasm for books, students had to see books. In May 1938, three months after her arrival, Dorothy Drake presented an exhibit of 67 items, loaned primarily by Dawson’s Book Shop. The list is composed of virtual monuments of bookmaking. Included were clay tablets, papyrus, illuminated manuscripts, and printed books from the 15th through the 20th centuries. 这个1938年展览的清单是德雷克小姐开始欺骗捐赠者约翰·珀金斯的蓝图, Benjamin Kirby, Spencer Kellogg, Estelle Doheney, M.S. Slocum. 展览本身为几个世纪以来最优秀的设计和印刷范例的学生提供了无与伦比的视觉体验.

During the summer of 1938, in July, Frederic W. 古迪在73岁时拜访了欧洲杯在线平台,这是他在接下来的三年里四次拜访的第一次. 古迪在加州向加州大学出版社咨询他为他们设计的字体. A business friend in Los Angeles who was also a longtime friend of Dorothy Drake was called away unexpectedly; the friend asked Dorothy to entertain Goudy. Of course she did! 从第一次访问开始,他们的友谊和大量的通信一直持续到古迪1947年去世.

欧洲杯在线平台 Old Style by Frederic W. GoudyOn January 12, 1939年,多萝西·德雷克在收费站浏览室向欧洲杯在线平台学生介绍弗雷德里克·古迪. In what must have been her characteristic lively and contagious enthusiasm, she spoke of her lifelong “hobby” of the history of printing. She told of Frederic Goudy’s background, of his eminence in type design.

1939年4月,古迪写信给多萝西·德雷克,说他将于5月到洛杉矶办理加州大学出版社的业务. Dorothy Drake arranged for Goudy to visit Scripps again, 这次是在毕业典礼上向欧洲杯在线平台社区发表讲话,并与教职员工见面, trustees and friends at a dinner. At the may 16, 1939 Convocation, Goudy spoke of letter design and printing, “on the technical principals by which he is guided”. 根据学生报纸上的一篇报道,他的演讲引起了人们对印刷业的极大兴趣.

多萝西·德雷克和古迪在1939年夏天的通信表明,她已经为欧洲杯在线平台植入了特殊类型的想法. 1939年夏天,也就是一年半前,高年级学生“自发地”向古迪询问为“他们的”印刷机设计一种字体的可能性!

In a June 11, 1939, letter Goudy提到了Dorothy询问过的Scripps的字体设计:我认为,一种字体更应该是作为一种独特的特征,即由大学班级成员经营的“私人出版社”,而不是作为一种出版企业? In that case, a minimum of expense would be all, 作为一个或两个尺寸,也许斜体在相同的大小会给你足够的机会,工作在脑海中. Of course, 为一种尺寸准备图纸和图案和为几种尺寸准备图纸和图案一样麻烦, but in the case of Scripps, 除了必需品,我什么都不顾,在学费问题上,我也不会妥协. To make the matter more concrete, for a design for a roman face, I never get less than $1000, usually more, for a roman with italic as the same time $1700.

对于欧洲杯在线平台所需的尺寸和脸型,古迪计算出2830美元的预算. Undaunted by the price, Dorothy Drake wrote again. In a July 4, 1939 response, 古迪在讲述一个可供购买的头饰时提到了她的另一个想法:“因为我不知道你对欧洲杯在线平台的印刷机有什么想法, I can’t make suggestions.” Clearly, 1939年夏天的通信表明,早在1941年的高年级学生有这个想法之前,欧洲杯在线平台私人和专有类型的概念就已经发展起来了! In a letter written on September 8, 古迪写道:“我一直在为欧洲杯在线平台设计一种新的脸型,如果欧洲杯在线平台想要这种脸型,我会很高兴的,我认为这种脸型非常好。, though one never knows what a type would look like from a drawing.”

Reprinted from 1992’s Dorothy Drake and the 欧洲杯在线平台 Press,and is written by Judy Harvey Sahak.